June 10th - 13th, 2024

Just $27 - Join Anik Singal In A 4-Day Challenge

Design An Authority Funnel™ Selling $5+ Digital Products That Bring You Daily "Buyer "Leads - All Using Facebook Ads!

FINALLY: Build a Scalable Information Business Without Slogging on Social Media or Begging Affiliates to Promote You!

These results are my own and are not typical. Results will vary. I’ve been doing this for 20 years, with a large audience and a dedicated team. I’ve invested millions in paid ads. This is for your education. I just want to share my frameworks.

This Training Is Hands On - We Actually Design Your Self-Liquidating
Offer (SLO) During The Challenge!


Challenge Starts - 11 AM EST - Monday, June 10th

I Reveal How I've Used SLO "Authority Funnels™" To Sell 247,000+ Courses Since 2015 & Generate Millions In Sales...*

JUNE 10-13, 2024

Learn to Create High-Converting Self-Liquidating Funnels with Anik Singal



Challenge your perceptions of paid ads & skip years of trial & error, condensed into just 4 days. Watch yourself actually design your SLO funnel LIVE on the challenge!



Dedicate just 90 minutes a day for 4 days. Each session is packed with actionable steps and insights. It is all designed to help you get crystal clear on what it takes to SCALE an SLO.



See exactly what goes into creating an SLO funnel (Authority FunnelTM) that is high-converting and capable of being scaled on paid traffic. Get all the benchmark data!



Ideal for coaches, agencies, and consultants. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced, this training is tailored to boost your business & maximize your funnel-building efforts.

DISCLAIMER: I have 20+ years of experience. These are MY results. Results not typical. I only give you numbers so you know I’m credible.
My goal is to share my knowledge, I never promise results because that would not be unfair.

4 Days of LIVE, Easy To Follow Training | June 10th - 13th, 2024 I'll Guide You Through Every Step!

Hurry! The Challenge Starts Soon – Secure Your Spot Before Time Runs Out.


4 Days of LIVE, Easy To Follow Training | June 10th - 13th, 2024 I'll Guide You Through Every Step!

Hurry! The Challenge Starts Soon – Secure Your Spot Before Time Runs Out.


Design a Funnel That Can SCALE

Learn How To Design $5+ SLO Offers That Can Convert Amazing on Facebook Ads & Consistently Pour In "Buyer Leads"

Join the ‘Build Your SLO’ Challenge to Design Your

Self-Liquidating Offer In Just 4 Days For $27...

DAY 1: 3 Types of SLO Offers

Learn the Essentials and Frameworks of SLOs. Discover the 3 types of Self-Liquidating Offers & why they are powerful for scaling on ads. Understand how each SLO can transform your business without a huge budget.

DAY 1: 3 Types of SLO Offers

Learn the Essentials and Frameworks of SLOs. Discover the 3 types of Self-Liquidating Offers & why they are powerful for scaling on ads. Understand how each SLO can transform your business without a huge budget.

What To Expect On Each Day:

The Challenge is from June 17th to June 20th. That’s Monday to Thursday.
We will follow the same schedule everyday:

10:45 AM EST (New York Time)

We will open the room & just hang out for 15 minutes as everyone enters & settles in. This will be your time to get to know Anik Singal better & have some damn fun.


We will open the room & just hang out for 15 minutes as everyone enters & settles in. This will be your time to get to know Anik Singal better & have some damn fun.

12:15 PM EST

We will enter into a 15 minute limited Q&A that is for all our Challenger ticket holders. This will be the time that Anik answers the questions that are the most common. However, this will not be direct Q&A where he calls out specific names. For that, you need to be VIP…


This will be when everyone steps into a Zoom room and Anik will invest a minimum of 30 minutes every day answering direct questions and helping VIP members more personally. The VIP experience is only an additional $20 - so make sure you upgrade!

3 PM - 6 PM EST - Facebook Group Activity

This will be the most active time inside the Facebook group for our admins, coaches and staff. We encourage our members to be adding their homework here, helping each other and designing their SLOs!

Come Design Your Low-Ticket Offer in 4 Days!

LIVE Challenge - Master The "Low-Ticker Funnels"

Build a Low-Ticket Funnel To Help
Dominate Your Niche & Scale…

Are You Burned Out & Exhausted Competing, Spending Hours a Day Posting on Social Media, Replying To Comments, Sending DMs or Begging Affiliates To Promote You?

Here’s why I love building Low-Ticket Funnels (SLO)...

Here's What You Can Expect To Learn From
The 4-Day Challenge:

DAY 1:

The 3 Types of SLOs & Why I’m Focusing On $5 Offers.

Essentials & Frameworks

We’ll start strong on Day #1 and dive right into the meat. This is the day where I’ll share with the different options you have.

The positives, negatives, everything.

We'll cover:

FREE Day #1 Bonus: My Key SLO Price-Points

No matter which type of SLO you decide to go after, I’ll tell you what my favorite price points are.

I’ll explain the psychology behind each price point and help you make that one decision much easier!

4 Days of Training with Me
For Just $5…

That Comes Out To $1.25 a DAY - Less Than The Cost of a Cup of Coffee at McDonalds…

That’s right. You can either drink a cup of coffee at McDonalds every day for 4-days or you can invest them with me. I’m pricing this so well on purpose.

I want you to love the training, love the challenge, get a ton of value and fall in love with me. I want you to see the value. Because that way, I’ll have a right to ask you to…

So, don’t worry. I have a plan. But, it’s a plan built around VALUE. My goal? Be more valuable than a cup of coffee at McDonalds and I’ve won 🙂

If any of that sounds like you, this 4-Day ‘Build Your SLO’ Challenge is designed specifically for YOU.


Proven Low-Ticket Models in
This 4-Day Challenge



Dear Expert,

If you want to invest in 4-days and design your Self-Liquidating Offers (SLO) with me, let’s talk.

If you want to create a funnel with the potential of being high-converting that can bring you BUYER leads, let’s talk.

If you’re tired of constantly chasing affiliates or posting on social media begging for sales, then, let’s talk.

Here's The Story:

I Used To Beg Affiliates 24/7...

Years ago, I was in your shoes.

I grew my business from 2004 to 2016 primarily focused on free traffic. Here’s what I did.

The problem with this model was that “I” had no control over it.

Some months, I would do amazing. Some months, I would lose big money.

I found myself constantly at the mercy of others.

That Is Until 2016.

I Was Sick Of Relying Of Others...

I was in Canada and stuck in traffic while driving to a family dinner. My phone was in my pocket buzzing like crazy. When I finally pulled over to see who it was? It was all my affiliates, fighting, like 6 year olds at recess.

“You said you would promote me that month.”
“No, you promised me.”
“Anik! Tell him you’re promoting me.”
“You only drove 145 clicks and I sent you 2,000+ clicks!”
“Anik, help!”


I looked at my wife and just said “I quit.”

I was done with affiliates. It was December of 2016, I was burned out. I needed to find a different way. And, I did.

Paid Traffic.


Paid traffic means…paying.

So, quickly, I had to figure out how to create offers that could convert fast on paid traffic. If I didn’t make the revenue back fast, how could I scale ads?

And, that was when I found…

Low-Ticket Offers

...also known as Self-Liquidating Offers

Self-Liquidating Offers (SLO)

Why Should Every Information Marketer Build One...

Before I define this, I need to put a disclaimer:

The following statement could be perceived as an earnings claim, but it’s not, you’ll see what I mean.

This below is the definition of a Self-Liquidating Offer as per Google’s AI search:

Designed To Cover Ad Spend, BUT NO GUARANTEES. That’s The Goal Of An SLO. When I Spent $1M A Month On Ads, I Got Back 50%-70% And Was Still Excited.

The reason? Why did even 50% of my ad spend recovery excite me?

Because I was getting BUYING customers that were going to continue buying and upgrade to my higher ticket offers.


So, over the years of scaling my company, I developed a simple formula that is undeniable. If you want to scale an Information Product, this is (in my opinion), the only way.

You have to start thinking about your offers in FUNCTIONS.

Each offer serves a FUNCTION.

All 4 functions are required or else scale becomes incredibly hard and you start to burn out.


Acquisition: To Get Cold Traffic Buyers

This is the offer you use to go wide. This is something that allows you to enter cold markets and bring them into your ecosystem. It’s an easy “yes.” This offer is the one that allows new people to experience you.

This offer builds your audience and if you’re not constantly building an audience, you’re just setting up to eventually burn out and fold.

This can be:

For the purposes of THIS challenge, we’ll discuss each but focus on the low-ticket.

Combined. These 4 functions are what allow scale. But, as you saw, it all starts with a self-liquidating offer!

Now, what are the different types of SLOs & which one am I focusing on in 2024…

The 3 Types of Self-Liquidating Offers...

JUNE 10-13, 2024

Learn to Create High-Converting Self-Liquidating Funnels with Anik Singal



Challenge your perceptions of paid ads & skip years of trial & error, condensed into just 4 days. Watch yourself actually design your SLO funnel LIVE on the challenge!



Dedicate just 90 minutes a day for 4 days. Each session is packed with actionable steps and insights. It is all designed to help you get crystal clear on what it takes to SCALE an SLO.



See exactly what goes into creating an SLO funnel (Authority FunnelTM) that is high-converting and capable of being scaled on paid traffic. Get all the benchmark data!



Ideal for coaches, agencies, and consultants. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced, this training is tailored to boost your business & maximize your funnel-building efforts.

I’ve done these all.

They all have their positives and negatives.

We’ll discuss each of these on Day #1 of the ‘Build Your SLO’ Challenge. However, in 2024 and moving forward, my focus now is on building Low-Ticket offers.

There are many reasons for this and I’ll be sharing those on the first day of the Challenge!

Who Is Anik Singal & Why Is He
an Expert In Self-Liquidating Offers?

21 Years | 247,000+ Courses | 1 Million+ Followers*



I’ve been an Entrepreneur since 2003.

I’ve built many companies. I’ve exited a couple of companies. I’ve done eCommerce. I’ve done Amazon. I’ve done consulting. I’ve done affiliate marketing. I’ve done MLM. I’ve done many things. Yet, my heart, my favorite has always been Information Marketing.

I just love the simplicity. The scalability. The margins. The ability to impact lives worldwide from my laptop. So, this is what I’ve devoted my life to teaching now…

Here’s some of my achievements below. These are just my credentials though. These are my results and it took me 2 decades & millions in investment to get them.

Remember. Again, these are not typical results. I worked my ass off. I built a huge audience, huge team and years of experience. You will NOT quickly get these results. Period.

Basically. I’m just trying to tell you that I’ve been around the block. I’ve seen a lot. Done a lot.

For me, my ability to scale, grow, enjoy my business and even potentially exit has all come down to one skill - building self-liquidating offers.

And that’s why this year, ’ve decided to do my first ever Challenge around building Self-Liquidating Offers!

4 Days of LIVE, Easy To Follow Training | June 10th - 13th, 2024 I'll Guide You Through Every Step!

Hurry! The Challenge Starts Soon – Secure Your Spot Before Time Runs Out.



Why Am I Giving Away My
Best SCALE Training For Just $5 ?

Don't worry, I'll be honest. Listen, I'm practicing what I preach. This is my "Authority FunnelTM."
I want you to have an amazing experience so you want to join my other programs!

As you can tell, I’ll always be up-front and honest with you.
I want to lead with value. That's it.

DISCLAIMER: I have 20+ years of experience. These are MY results. Results not typical. I only give you numbers so you know I’m credible. My goal is to share my knowledge, I never promise results because that would be unfair.

What You Can Expect To Learn...

Top 5 Benefits of Building an "Low-Ticket Funnel" (SLO)

How To Create Self-Liquidating Offers That Sell In Volume, Provide Huge Value & Turn You Into The Dominating Brand In Any Niche!

Benefit #1

The 3 Types of SLOs & Why I’m Focusing On $5 Offers.

The #1 key that allowed me to sell so many courses has been the ability to sell using Paid ads and specifically - low-ticket offers. I’ve sold books, courses, coaching and consulting.

But, if it wasn’t for paid ads, I wouldn’t have the email list, the traffic and the audience.

I always say paid ads are amazing except for the fact that you have to PAY for them. At one point we were spending as much as $30,000 a day in ads. I think it's obvious that you'll go broke fast spending that kind of money unless you've figured out the funnel, the marketing & sales.

...in comes SLOs.

SLOs Allow You To Buy & Control Traffic

Thanks to my SLO offers (low-ticket & high ticket webinar offers) - I was able to recover a large share of what I was spending daily. This allowed me to scale more aggressively without burning a lot of money.

So, one of the KEY benefits of SLOs is the ability to buy traffic & control how much traffic you buy.

4 Days LIVE With Anik Singal For Just $5


When You Sign Up For the 'Build Your SLO' Challenge Today!

The 4-Day Plan.

You'll Also Get...

Challenger Ticket - Only $5

Join The 4-Day Challenge - Get All Replays For 30 Days Also!

Now - Time To Master Self-Liquidating Offers
& Finally Unlock Scale In Your Business…

Join the 'Build Your SLO' Challenge Today!


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.